Another Sword-Fighting Game

Hatashiai! is the latest "we can make a realistic sword-fighting game" to seek crowd funding. I notice that in addition to six Japanese schools, they include "Chinese Sword" and "[Western] Long Sword" as options for players.

By the way, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is now in beta testing. It aims at a much wider kind of realism than just the sword-fighting, attempting to accurately recreate a moment in the Middle Ages as thoroughly as possible.


  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Honestly it seems like a 'realistic' swordsmanship game would make Dark Souls seem like patty cake. Human bodies are rather like eggs, they can simultaneously withstand a lot, but can crack with very little effort if you hit them right.

  2. Ymar Sakar3:10 PM

    Once VR technology and full body suits become economically viable for software/hardware computation, learning to fight and playing a game will be one and the same. But until then, it's just an exercise in entertainment.

    Currently people have to video tape themselves to criticize their form, balance, accuracy, and range. Although pov cameras are better for range limit/controls.

    It would be nice to have a full 3d physics recording of every single vector the body is utilizing via VR and body suit technology. Some people, after all, are not very good at activating their spinal-motor controls, in order to learn from. It would accelerate the capability to transfer the skill set as well, since humans with a talent for visual/mathematical/geometric comprehension, would boost a community's throughput for retention of lessons.

    In the ancient world, warriors had to physically travel from city to city, teacher to teacher, to absorb the techniques in their physical form. That limited the number of people who could adequately copy and gain techniques, to people who had the drive and talent for martial arts. The internet allowed the transmission of abstract theory and teaching capability, to a far higher degree. But what it left was the physical absorption rates, that is still on the ancient order's scale.
