"The Miscarriage of Justice Department"

A Federal judge grows irritated. Sadly, this is not an isolated issue, but the standard practice of the Obama-era Justice Department. Indeed, it's of a piece with the conduct of many other Obama-era departments.


  1. DL Sly3:11 PM

    Sounds interesting from the opening paragraph. However, the rest is behind a pay wall. 😁

  2. ColoComment3:38 PM

    (1) Highlight the title and Google search it. If that doesn't work, (2) you can Control-Shift-N in Chrome for incognito (which only sometimes works for me.)
    If neither of those works, you can (3) delete cookies & then do another (1) search to access a limited number of "free" WSJ articles.

    If none of that works, you can read the order yourself, here:

    He did a good job explaining why he was so pi$$ed off at the DOJ attorneys. As he suggests, once may be a mistake, repeatedly misleading the court & the other party is deliberate, and unethical, and will not be tolerated.

  3. The order also is here: https://pacer-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/169/1225586/179125570172.pdf

    Eric Hines

  4. Ymar Sakar11:45 PM

    Hussein Regime is indistinguishable from the Leftist alliance, to those of us that could see what was transparent in the world. Regimes may come and go, evil has been around for some time now.
