The Cathedral of May

A day celebrated here each year, as the fullest glory of springtime. The long and painful summer is coming, and fast, but for now there remain some good days ahead.

I've only seen one hummingbird this year, so far. The wife is worried that they might have had some sort of die-off event. I wonder if the truth isn't just that the flowers are so rich this year that so far they have seen no need to approach the feeders.

UPDATE: Many people are reminding me that today is also the anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death. Another thing to celebrate!


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Ours have only just now started moving north, and we still have a lot of birds that have usually migrated by now. I think the lush flowers and the much colder weather in CO-KS-NE are keeping them south.

    It's 43 with a wind chill of 33 and light rain at the moment.


  2. It's 81 here, with humidity making it feel like 84. Until yesterday it was pleasantly dry, but we had a big soaking rain come through and now it feels much like soup. :) But we needed the rain for the grass (and the flowers).
