Opposition Leader in Venezuela Assassinated

The head of the UNT party was shot dead while traveling in one of Venezuela's western states. The UNT is a collection of labor unions that supported Hugo Chavez. It is not the only labor party in Venezuela, but one particularly tied to the communists.


  1. I realize it must be as upsetting to many of you as it is to me.

  2. Gringo12:48 PM

    Sad, but not surprising.In response to the February 2014 demonstrations, Chavismo unleashed its "motorizados" - armed motorcycle gangs- to kill demonstrators. And then called the demonstrators violent and lawless.

    Recall the "como sea" motto of Chavismo, which can be translated as "by any means possible." Such as the TSJ- Venezuela's Supreme court- NEVER ruling against the government in some 4,500 cases over the span of a decade. [That number includes cases the TSJ refused to review.] The TSJ has repeatedly ruled that laws which the current oppo-dominated National Assembly passes are invalid.

    Godgiven Hair -the English translation of Chavista honcho Disodado Cabello- knows that any regime change will involve jail, given the numerous violations of law he has committed. The same can be said of countless high-level Chavistas. How many First Ladies have nephews who have been arrested for cocaine trafficing- hundreds of pounds worth? Maduros' wife is the only one I know of.

    Perhaps some sort of amnesty for GodGiven could be worked out, but I doubt it.



