Not Quite The Intended Effect

I'm on a bunch of political mailing lists. MoveOn just sent out an email titled, "This man is obstructing the President."

Naturally, I thought immediately of sending whoever it was a nice letter. It turns out the man is Sen. Chuck Grassley, who is problem #1 for getting Obama's SCOTUS nominee approved.

That wasn't a hugely urgent Democratic objective before yesterday's poll showing Trump in the lead in the general, I notice. Indeed, I haven't heard about this issue in a while.

Anyway, if you'd like to send Chuck a nice letter, you can reach him through his webpage.

UPDATE: Make that two polls with Trump out front.


  1. MoveOn just sent out an email titled, "This man is obstructing the President."

    I can't imagine MoveOn paying such a nice compliment to anyone.

    Oh, wait....

    Eric Hines

  2. I don't think I could endure being on MoveOn's mailing list. I'd have to double my dose of lysinopril
