Good News, Bad News

South America is looking a lot like it's going to need some sort of American intervention. That always goes well, and hardly ever produces generations of resentment.

Still, there is good news:
The encouraging news from Latin America is that the leftist populists who for 15 years undermined the region’s democratic institutions and wrecked its economies are being pushed out — not by coups and juntas, but by democratic and constitutional means. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of Argentina is already gone, vanquished in a presidential election, and Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff is likely to be impeached in the coming days.


  1. Ymar Sakar4:27 PM

    The American intervention will put the Chavez and Castros back into power. As intended by the Leftist strategy.

  2. Eric Blair7:04 PM

    What intervention are you talking about?

  3. Pretty much any of them except Grenada and Panama.

  4. Eric Blair9:29 PM

    Riiiiiight. Like Smedley Butler was working for the Comintern.
