Badass Hebrews, Part II

OK, so Raven's got a point.


  1. The part about putting the 109's together in a hanger, arming them, and taking off on a combat flight with no time to do any airworthiness testing was just astonishing. Apparently the Egyptian tanks were so close to Tel Aviv it was either "do it now, or it just won't matter".

    They were some high spirited guys with gold plated titanium testicles.

  2. Against what there was, I guess that was good enough.

    Good to know.

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    This is not relevant: I simply don't care about Israel. I don't.

    America first man.

  4. You're not required to care. But I like the Israelis, and it's my hall.

  5. I have always wondered about the impulse to post "I don't care about this" in response to a topic. If you truly don't care, why do you even read/watch it, and then why bother typing a response. When I see things I don't care about, I ignore them and move on. What I think is more likely is that the person posting (who we cannot know because in this case at least, they couldn't be bothered to put their name to their opinion) DOES care, and in fact, cares very much, but wants to both give the impression that they don't and also express their disapproval. It strikes me as a very weasel way to express an opinion on something, but your mileage may vary.

  6. It's probably a good time to mention again that anonymous comments are against the Hall's comments policy.

    I don't care what name you use, but sign your comments.

  7. I've heard that the producer (Nancy Spielberg) is thinking about making a longer, fictionalized version of this.

    Wonder if the characters will be as politically incorrect as the real guys in this documentary>
