The Candidate For Those Who Respect Women

Headline: "Hillary supporters take down Bernie FB pages in coordinated porn attack."

From the article:
According to eyewitness reports, the pages were flooded with pornographic images in coordinated fashion and then flagged for obscene content, prompting Facebook to remove them.

"We had what looked like a kiddie porn posted in one of our groups today,” said Sanders supporter Erica Libenow, according to "I reported that one. Seriously made me want to vomit.”

At least one Facebook user linked to the pro-Hillary Clinton group Bros 4 Hillary was reported to have participated in the attacks.
Kiddie porn. How is it that Hillary Clinton's supporters even have kiddie porn to use as a weapon? It's illegal even to possess (and rightly so).

1 comment:

  1. How is it, too, that there are no police investigations of this kiddie porn trafficking, much less the vandalism?

    Oh, wait--this is the same DoJ and FBI (whose involvement otherwise would be necessitated by the kiddie porn and the state boundary-crossing nature of the crimes) that's already declining to do nothing more than lip service regarding the Clinton.

    Nor is there any comment from Clinton.

    Eric Hines
