Quit Describing Her Accurately!

On the heels of yesterday's journalist asking Bernie Sanders if he isn't making Donald Trump's argument by telling the truth about Hillary Clinton's campaign financing, the Wall Street Journal points out that the effect of Sanders' critique is to paint Clinton as a uniquely corrupt figure according to Democratic Party standards. They are the party of campaign finance reform. If Clinton and Trump win their respective nominations (which is still far from certain, especially since we have yet to hear from the FBI), they will be taking an electorate that sees corporate money as the root of all evil into an election with the worst possible standard-bearer. How do you ask the committed progressives and liberals, as opposed to the patronage racketeers, to vote for the very emblem of Being In The Pocket of Wall Street?

It's having an effect. Trump is further ahead among Republicans than Clinton is among Democrats -- she's under the 50 percent mark in a two-person race, and it's tightening.

UPDATE: Not that she's doing Herself any favors with her inaccurate descriptions, either.

UPDATE: The New York Post is claims she's lowering expectations.


  1. ColoComment2:06 PM

    Ok, I know I'm an old fart, I don't have a TV and my radio is set to NPR to keep my dog company while I'm at work. So, yeah, I miss a lot of contemporary culture (but I don't "miss" it, if you ken my meaning.)

    But... you have GOT to be kidding me:

    "Charlamagne Tha God"??? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlamagne_Tha_God]

    WTH? Or, as is now texted: srsly?

  2. (which is still far from certain, especially since we have yet to hear from the FBI)

    A side jaunt: there's going to be nothing of this sort. Obama has already said, repeatedly, that Clinton has done nothing wrong, that she didn't mean what she did, that she regrets the server (never minding that regretting the server and doing anything about its aftermath beyond evidence tampering and obstruction are two different things).

    From that functional pardon--keep in mind that he was speaking to everyone in his Justice Department at least as much as he was to the television audiences--it's quite certain that there will be no recommendation for indictment coming out of the Obama-Comey FBI (the same FBI that found no wrong-doing from the IRS' criminal behaviors), and there'll be no action coming out of the Obama-Lynch DoJ.

    Full stop.

    Eric Hines

  3. It's not over until the fat lady sings, Mr. Hines.

    ColoComment -- I had never heard of him, or even the song, until I read the article. But I don't think "men without television who don't much like popular culture" are their target demographic. :)

  4. ColoComment3:29 PM

    Well yeah, there's that and thank goodness for small favors.

    OTOH, they might consider that my class of consumer has a lot more money to spend than whatever human mutant* they do consider their market.

    * I'm sorta picturing the kind of alien form found on the cover of a Ringo or Correia sci-fi novel. :)backatcha

    (looks out window) HEY! YOU, KID! GET OFF MY LAWN!

  5. No, but she's on stage, Grim. For a change, you're more optimistic than I.

    Of the three players I've identified in this charade, there's not a single honest one.

    Eric Hines

  6. I'm waiting for her to be interviewed. There is literally no way she can avoid either admitting to or committing a felony except by taking the 5th. We may get no more out of it than that, but how can she take the 5th given the stakes and the timing?

    I still have some hope.

  7. It's likely that she'll be interviewed, but there's no real reason to believe it'll be any less softball than she gets from her pet media appearances.

    Eric Hines

  8. The thing is, it would have to be a whole lot more softball for her to avoid the dilemma. If she just gives the same answers she's given the press, she'd be confessing to some felonies while also committing new ones.

  9. Yeah, and?

    Since it'll be behind closed doors, we'll have a hard time learning of this. Since Comey won't go forward with any of this--it's only a pro forma interview that will occur, if it occurs--or even if he does, Lynch won't go forward, her answers won't matter.

    The Left's lawyers, too, have been arguing that her admissions don't amount to crimes anyway--none of that stuff was marked, after all, and so of course it wasn't classified, and so there was nothing to mishandle. It's their, as well as her, story, and they're sticking to it.

    Eric Hines
