You Could Be A Rock Star In America, Too

Headline: "US Attorney Becomes Rock Star In Turkey For Arresting Erdogan’s Partner."
Exulting in Zarrab’s arrest, Turkish social media users had a field day mocking him and hailing the attorney.

Preet Bharara, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, had only 8,010 followers before the Justice Department announced on Monday the arrest of Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian businessman accused of evading US sanctions on Iran. The number of attorney’s followers on Twitter was skyrocketed to whopping 230,000 and it is rapidly increasing. His latest two tweets were shared nearly 60,000 times and liked by 85,000 people....

Bharara was lionized in Turkey largely because corruption suspects are deemed so “untouchable” that any prosecutor or police who go after them may lose their jobs or jailed and any journalist covering them may face prosecution or get fired.
I assure you that I stand ready to be as celebratory for the US attorney who brings Hillary Clinton to justice. Can we prove at home what we have proven abroad, that the law can apply even to the powerful? Or is that only for those who aren't powerful here?

UPDATE: McClatchy says that, like the FiveThirtyEight people who have to go on 'quests' to understand Trump voters, the People just don't understand the elite.
The people who spend two bucks for chili at the Courtesy Diner at Laclede Station Road can’t fathom why anyone would pay Hillary Clinton $225,000 to make a speech.
That's not true. Everybody knows why she was paid $225,000 for the speech. They're just too polite to say it out loud.


  1. Pay attention for who the vice-presidential candidates are this time around. They just might matter pretty quickly.

  2. Ymar Sakar1:22 PM

    Bharara was lionized in Turkey largely because corruption suspects are deemed so “untouchable” that any prosecutor or police who go after them may lose their jobs or jailed and any journalist covering them may face prosecution or get fired.

    Trying to figure out if they are trying to talk about Turkey or America there...
