What's the Single Most Important Factor Behind Terror in Brussels?

Go ahead, try to think of one single thing that is more prominent than anything else.

Did you get "poverty," or "injustice?"

Either way, well done. You've mastered your thoughtcrime. However, we still have to talk about your unconscious bias...

UPDATE: By the way, if you came up with the forbidden word, do a CTRL+F on the page and see how often it comes up -- and in what context.


  1. Of course. For thousands of years poverty and perceived injustice have always led to suicide bombings. Right?

  2. Ymar Sakar6:32 PM

    Europe's love of the alien is so disgusting, when paired with their pacifism and alliance with Islamic Jihad child rapists and serial killers.

    The only thing capable of integrating Islamic muslims is a xenophilic militarist society... sort of like Israel or the US Imperial domain. Even then, the conversion isn't absolute, given the Nidal Hassans.

  3. Ymar Sakar6:33 PM

    Well, at least Islam is Burning some of the right people. Not nearly enough of the Right People, however.


  4. And yet the Congolese Christians in Belgium are not bombing train stations. funny.
