Upholding Standards

Headline: Obama giving a eulogy for KKK grand wizard Robert Byrd - Skips SCOTUS funeral


  1. Byrd had improved to only half-racist and had made up for it by fighting the real enemy, Republicans. See also William Clinton and J William Fulbright.

    Liberals don't actually care about racism. It's just a tool they use.

  2. Ymar Sakar12:56 AM

    Democrats treat slavery and racism the way Republicans treat guns and self defense.

  3. I am actually withholding judgment on the President over this one. For two reasons. One, he paid his respects to Scalia's privately the day before the funeral, and that's sufficient for the most part. And two, for all we know, Scalia's family didn't want him there. If that's the case, then I absolutely respect his decision not to say anything about it.

  4. I imagine my family would have told him to stay away, now that you mention it.

  5. That's the theory my wife and I share as well. And if that is the case good for the President for taking a little heat but refraining to defend himself (because it would be easy to say "well, the family told me they didn't want me there"; not respectful, but certainly easy).

  6. Anyone else find it (unsurprisingly) ironic/hypocritical that Trump's being blasted for insufficiently distancing himself from David Duke, but here Obama's eulogizing Robert Byrd?

  7. Ymar Sakar9:36 AM

    Byrd did a lot of favors for Hussein, in the years in which I focused on the Left's logistics and not politics, I believe Byrd helped Hussein's early days via his Senate pull.

    Not sure what David Duke, the Iranian anti Israelite, has done for Trump that would necessitate the same gratitude. Duke is a strange player at the top level. The Democrats don't make use of him, but he is not their enemy either. Perhaps a useful false flag to blame the enemies of the Left for "racism". Even though the Left has worked to empower Iran more than any other person, Duke included.
