"Unconscious Bias" and the USMC

The Marine Corps has been ordered to implement "unconscious bias" training for all Marines to prepare them for women in the infantry. As you recall, the USMC was the only service to ask for an exception for its infantry, which was denied with prejudice by the Secretary of the Navy (who all but accused them of deceptive behavior in their study of integrated combat units). The object is to change the culture so it is appropriately welcoming to female Marines who join the infantry.

The USMC is duly obeying, of course.
Mobile training teams will be dispatched to installations across the Corps throughout May and June to offer a two-day seminar to majors and lieutenant colonels, Col. Anne Weinberg, deputy director of the Marine Corps Force Innovation Office, told reporters Thursday. Those officers will then train the Marines under them.
Emphasis added. So Higher is going to train battalion commanders and the other top officers of Infantry battalions. The BC will probably train his company commanders, and leave the majors to train his battalion staff. Company Commanders will train platoon leaders and Master Sergeants or Gunnery Sergeants depending on what kind of company it is. At this point, the NCO corps will take over. Gunny will probably be the guy to take this to the men, but even he may pass it off to his subordinate NCOs.

By the time this telephone game is over, how much of the "unconscious bias" mumbo-jumbo that was said at the two-day seminar do you think will have survived?


  1. Ymar Sakar11:42 AM

    Even the military is now getting into the mind control business. How paranoid is that?

    They will obey their orders, after all, what choice do they have, desert, go AWOL, be prosecuted in a tribunal for disobeying orders, being kicked out, or resigning?

  2. Ymar Sakar11:46 AM

    If I was doing strategic planning for the Left's war against humanity, what I would do with this would be pretty funny. Because this sets up a performance check list that favors peace time paperwork writing readiness level officers, this allows a weeding out and purge, without making it obvious.

    Those who score too low, will merely be punished, demoted, and kicked out. Purged. That's because they actually tried to apply the standards for combat to women and men in training. No, the ones who "pass" will be specially picked Democrat "officers" and "commissars" who will have doctored their readiness tests to ensure that DC's writ succeeds. They will be promoted, they will be empowered, and they will finish the task of "purging" the rest.

    Once sufficient parts of the Chain of Command is subverted, other operations can now proceed. It is something no amount of talking to Leftists on Facebook will provide, because they don't provide strategic analysis tools to cannonfodder.

  3. Even the military is now getting into the mind control business. How paranoid is that?

    In a way, this is a continuation of the SHARP/EEO training (that at one point a few years ago the 3rd Infantry Division, which had no female personnel below the Brigade level, was doing quarterly).

    But now we're training everyone that controlling actions aren't enough. Even controlling thoughts isn't enough. Unconscious bias is now the focus, and that means punishing people for things that lay below thought.

  4. Next step: potential unconscious bias

  5. Ymar Sakar6:56 PM

    Even controlling thoughts isn't enough. Unconscious bias is now the focus, and that means punishing people for things that lay below thought.

    Surely they will need commissars for that, but it won't be official until certain things are setup, I suspect.

    But, there's still a couple of years left for that, by my predicted timeline.

    The Left's strategic reserve activation hasn't approached 50% yet, not even 25%. If they can hijack the GOP via former Democrats in Trump, or if they can absorb part of the US military, that can change quickly.

    The real threat will be in the Language and Conduct codes. That will be introduced, which I suspect will utilize much of Chomsky's Linguistics R/D in weaponized form.

    Control a person's thoughts by controlling which words they are allowed to use. Positively 1984, except more useful and more advanced. Soon US military bases will be just another extension of the US campuses and their speech codes. Well, not being armed will stay the same.
