The Shutdown in Chicago

It was carefully organized, of course, but (as I heard someone remark last night) that doesn't change the fact that any other candidate could have held a rally in Chicago without drawing this reaction. For now: if this is seen to have been effective at killing the Trump candidacy, it will become a regular playbook entry for these organizations. BLM has made disrupting political rallies a standard of its tactics already, though the scale of this was larger.

Ironically, that would end up having a fascist effect on American politics even though the people behind this claim to be motivated by a fear of fascism.


  1. I was surprised he called it off. I expected something more deft in the publicity line.

  2. Eric Blair12:06 PM

    Not when it looks like people were going to get killed. It's actually smart.

  3. It will only strengthen his hand- people will look at this and see the ones who are protesting him, and be filled with revulsion.

    Trump is the rebel- BLM and Co. are the establishment, operating under a cloak.

    Here's the essence "If these jerks hate him, he can't be that bad".

  4. Are you sure Trump called it off and that it wasn't the recommendation of the Secret Service?

  5. Given that this occurred in Chicago and that these protests are orchestrated by whatever is the latest iteration of Acorn, who among our front runners stood up for free speech first and foremost, without reservation?
