
Reason magazine:
Surely a satirist who set out to write a deliberate parody of left-wing papers using the jargon of the earnest social justice warrior could not have done a better job than a paper on "just and equitable human-ice interactions."

But the paper is real—very real. The University of Oregon, in fact, put out a glowing press release touting its existence.
The paper itself appears to be a masterwork of the correlation-must-equal-causation fallacy combined with the sentiment epitomized by the famous parody NYT headline: "World ends tomorrow: Women, minorities hardest hit."


  1. We wouldn't want a female glacier to feel shamed.

  2. raven9:56 PM

    Or be called frigid. That would be a terrible insult. On the other hand, so would being called Hot. What self respecting glacier would want to be called hot? Who knows, maybe I am just a moraine.

  3. ...maybe I am just a moraine.


  4. Are you sure this isn't a plant, like the gibberish that was submitted to expose perr review?

  5. Sorry, "peer review"

  6. I'd like to think that, but the article claims to have checked that possibility out and found it is for real.


  7. We have arrived at a point where it may take significant study to determine if something is parody or real. The standard tools, such as the widely used BS detector, are obsolete in the face of new waves of idiocy. Not pleasant breakers on the beach, or even roaring 20 foot monsters on Hawaii's north shore, the waves of modernidiocy resemble this-

  8. evidence of the propagation of idiocy waves.

  9. The standard tools, such as the widely used BS detector, are obsolete in the face of new waves of idiocy.

    True. This was a clear false positive for me when I first saw it.
