News from Ghana

Alec Ndiwane decided that the Lord wanted him to challenge some lions.
The Zion Christian Church Prophet was at the park with his fellow church members when, according to GhanaWeb, he went into a trance and began speaking in tongues. The group approached the pride of lions while they munched happily on an antelope, but that’s when Ndiwane ran toward the lions....

Unfortunately, lions are fast and fierce animals and when one of the lions snapped her paws on him, Ndiwane sustained injuries to his buttocks.


“I do not know what came over me,” Ndiwane confessed. “I thought the Lord wanted to use me to show his power over animals. Is it not we were given dominion over all creatures of the earth.”
Don't feel bad, Alec. Sometimes the Lord helps the bear.


  1. In Ghana, Christians feed selves to lions!

  2. As I understand the story, God did want us to have dominion over the animals, but we blew it, something about a serpent and an apple. I don't think we get to walk backward to reach that goal! The way forward is completely different, mapped out 2,000 years ago.

  3. Since I'm probably going to hell anyway for that first comment, let me double down.

    I think God still wants us to have dominion over the animals. That's why He gave us rifles.

  4. You know the story about the preacher who was facing a flood, I trust? He kept telling rescuers that they should go on, because he was praying and he trusted in God to save him. So when he got to Heaven, he was a little miffed. "I told everyone that God was going to save his faithful servant," the preacher said.

    "We sent two rowboats and a helicopter," said St. Peter. "What did you want?"

    Well, the Lord sent Samuel Colt, too.

  5. Ymar Sakar3:29 PM

    Nice one Tom.

    A Beastmaster requires skill, and often it is hunters and fighters/survivalists that have it. Preying isn't enough on its own.

    Missionaries, for example, do not have my capability to deal with semi feral dogs and what not on their journeys. My tips have been effective, as far as it goes, but they did not derive their capability directly from God or prayer.

    It is a human skill and realm, still. As animals are under our dominion, not under the power of divine will.

  6. Ymar Sakar3:35 PM

    Listening to voices, you can always fall into the mistake of hearing the devil or Loki whispher playful deceptions. One must harness human wisdom and judgement, otherwise interesting things can happen.
