Friday Night AMV

For Saturday night. I remember when this song was popular.

Oh, and wait for it.


  1. I don't think I've ever heard this song before. How odd.

  2. Wow. You must have checked out of the culture for a bit in the latter half of the 70s. This, according to the all-knowing Wikipedia, was the first #1 hit of the US Bicentennial year.

    Much later than this, I was overseas for half a decade, came back, and couldn't talk to anyone. I didn't know movies, TV shows, musicians, anyone or anything who'd become popular while I was gone.

    That was kind of the point. I wanted to check out. But still, it was a shock when I came back.

  3. Eric, you might enjoy this

  4. Eric Blair10:17 PM

    Oh yeah, saw that. Even have seen some of the shows featured in it.

  5. Figures. ;)

    Do you read Steven Den Beste nowadays?

  6. I check out of the culture every chance I get. Haven't had television since 2004.

  7. Yeah, I haven't owned a TV since the 90s, though I have watched a few selected shows via Amazon, most recently Vikings and Justified.

  8. Saw Sons of Anarchy that way. Saw one season of Vikings, but didn't check back in. Never saw Justified.

  9. Yeah, I watched a couple of seasons of SoA. The first couple of seasons of Justified are worthwhile -- Old West US Marshal in modern-day Kentucky. After that it's a mixed bag.

    Life was also interesting. Only went 2 seasons, but it's an interesting story. LAPD detective gets convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. After 8 years, his lawyer gets him out of prison, millions in a suit against the city, and his old job back.

  10. Eric Blair11:03 AM

    Tom, Let us say that DenBeste's ideas and mine *differ*. I'll leave it at that.

  11. Fair enough. I don't care all that much for his recent adventures in anime, but I liked his USS Clueless writing back before his stroke.
