A History Lesson on Hillary Clinton

Oddly enough, Clinton enjoys her strongest support among older Democrats, the ones who were around and ought to remember all this. The younger Democrats, who didn't have the opportunity to see the constant crime and deceit, are the ones who have her figured out. That's an interesting irony.

UPDATE: Salon magazine hits the Clintons hard from the left.

UPDATE: Also, this progressive blogger who remembers the history unkindly.


  1. Eric Blair11:04 AM

    The older ones are too stuck on the "us or nobody" idea. Or they're too corrupt. Take your pick.

  2. A lot of them are corrupt, the ones attached to the big money associated with the Clinton Machine. What is really said is watching her few younger supporters begging for inclusion in the payout. The limited respect I had for Ezra Klein has evaporated as I've read his coverage of her campaign, in which every problem she faces is proof that she's really super wonderful and overqualified and if only we Americans were good enough to see it.

  3. Agreed. That the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy would somehow single out Hillary, of all people, as the person to repeatedly accuse of perfidy is a ludicrous idea. Yet that is what they must believe underneath it all, though I doubt they contemplate it that deeply. She is from Their Tribe. She is a venerable Gray Warrior from their tribe. They must defend her. That is all.

  4. "Really sad," I meant to type.

  5. Ymar Sakar2:45 PM

    Brainwashing takes time. The older ones have more of it, hence the outcome.

    The younger ones are weaker to temptation, violence, and coercion, however. That's why Hussein had the edge.
