Young Women are Clueless Followers of What's Popular with Boys Says... Gloria Steinem?!?

It's the best she can come up with, apparently to explain why women under thirty favor Sanders over Clinton by massive percentages.
“Women get more radical as we get older,” she said, explaining that women lose power as they age while men gain it, and feeling oppressed radicalizes you. Steinem did not explain why she felt Clinton was a more radical choice for the nomination than Sanders. Instead, the activist who once declared Sanders an “honorary woman” told Maher, “When you’re young, you’re thinking, ‘Where are the boys? The boys are with Bernie?'” Maher immediately realized her statement would be a controversial one — and, indeed, it has already drawn anger from young, female Sanders supporters on social media.
"Steinem did not explain why she felt Clinton was a more radical choice for the nomination than Sanders." Nice.

Clinton really is more radical, though, because she's radically corrupt and criminal. Ideology isn't the whole party.

I really went to watch this video because it was advertised as having her talk about Islam and women with Mahr, who is not a nice guy but is at least a consistent critic of religious extremism in any form. It's there (scroll to 7:10), but along the way you get insights like this one and "home, actually, is the most dangerous place for women." Well, and everyone else: we spend most of our time there. Also: "All monotheism is a problem.... I can't handle any monotheism." Well, OK, but you should probably read Avicenna... and Plotinus... and Plato on Parminides... all of whom reason to it, three of them well before monotheism was a major force in the world. We also learn from Gloria Steinem, by the way, that Mohammed's first wife was a "real estate agent."

Mahr comes out swinging, as much as one honorably can against a lady of her age, and gets her to admit that for everyone who was on the side of civil rights in the '60s, anti-shariah-law should be the cause of the current age. That's huge.


  1. I would reverse Steinem. The boys at my college adopted feminism because chicks dug it.

    As for radicalising as one gets older. Well yeah, if you have no children or mate, nor any organised group that you are beholden to and have historical attachment to the members, and you make your living being one of the speakers on the far edge of some issue, you might just naturally become more radical, sure. The rest of us, who have lives connected to other people, are more likely to moderate.

  2. I would reverse Steinem. The boys at my college adopted feminism because chicks dug it.

    No, that's totally right. The young men I know are completely devoted to 'virtue signalling' their embrace of feminism because it's what the girls like. Or think they like. Or think they think they like. I notice it doesn't really avail these young men with the young women.

  3. If your source of power when you're young is that you're nubile and desirable, I can see how you might lose power as you age. How you could square that with being any kind of feminist is beyond me.

  4. It doesn't. She lives in a fantasy world and just says stuff that crosses her brain. Steinem used to at least be witty, even when infuriating. Now even that is gone.

  5. A woman who does not vote for Hillary has a "special place in Hell" according to former Clinton Secretary of State Albright. My wife is particularly exasperated with this tribalism nonsense. She assures me that her ovaries don't dictate who she votes for, and get aggravated at friends who think that they should. And it goes hand in hand with the accusation that men who favor Bernie Sanders only do so because they're misogynists.

    Left out of all of this, of course, is Carly Fiorina. But that's because she's a gender traitor and "not a real woman".

  6. I like Fiorina more and more, but that's to be expected -- she was a philosophy and Medieval studies major. :) I'm not sure she's qualified to be President as her very first public office, but she's definitely smart and has a fun sense of humor.

  7. Ymar Sakar12:58 PM

    I notice it doesn't really avail these young men with the young women.

    The women see them as rapists. That's part of the indoctrination. Trying to ape a system of mind control, without realizing how to manipulate it or control it, merely "triggers" more of its effects.

    Of course Communism was also popular back in the day because it helped the leaders get girls, by convincing the girls that it would help the 'Communist Cause'. It was part of "free love" as well.
