We All Have Our Bad Days

Madeleine Albright writes:
I HAVE spent much of my career as a diplomat. It is an occupation in which words and context matter a great deal. So one might assume I know better than to tell a large number of women to go to hell.


  1. Albright's piece says all the right things about dialogue and political disagreement but I think the line that best sums up why she wrote it is:

    But this time, to my surprise, it went viral.

    In contract I offer Camille Paglia's summary (small part of a much longer piece; link is to Salon):

    Waspishly policing the earth was evidently insufficient for the feminist politburo, who are now barging into the salvation and damnation game.

  2. Eric Blair12:56 PM

    As Jaques Chiraq said "She missed a good opportunity to shut up."

  3. Ymar Sakar5:31 PM

    No wonder Democrats are the war party. With diplomats like that...

  4. She did not tell them to go to hell, she told them they deserved to go to hell, which is worse. "Diplomat" is usually a positive term, but careful parsing of words is not always virtuous.
