Trump Rules

Super Tuesday is around the corner. We can tell we are near, this year, because the Republican debate has descended to the middle-school level.

"I don't repeat myself." "You repeated yourself five seconds ago."

This is being widely commended today as what it takes to stand up against Trump. You've got to show, they say, that you're the Alpha.

Alphas don't yip like puppies, boys.

UPDATE: Governor Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump.

UPDATE: Right-leaning journalists are not happy about it, either. Although I don't think Spencer Ackerman ("Attackerman!") qualifies. I met him once -- and he's a solid journalist, the kind of guy who does the legwork that journalism used to be about. He's just not right-leaning.


  1. I cut Rubio some slack here, and give him some credit- If Trump is getting away with the poseur Alpha routine, then it's right in some sense to come onto his turf and beat him at his own game (if that's even possible). I know there's the old saw 'don't wrestle with the pig...', but they've been standing there splattered with mud already for weeks, why not now get dirty, and if you're going to get dirty, do it right. I think Cruz is coming off as someone unwilling to do the necessary dirty work, and he's my choice currently.

    I'm pretty sure Marco having played football, and experiencing the locker room didn't hurt in preparation for this new phase of this strange election cycle.

  2. Cruz handled himself better. The question of the Constitution he raises is a serious concern. Rubio is fighting to be taken seriously, but to me it still sounds like "yip! yip! yip!"

  3. Unfortunately, hoping is all too many people hear, so you work on the terrain you have, not the terrain your like, unless there is some way to draw the conflict there, but in this case I think that can only come by defeating the one who thinks this is the way to go thus demonstrating that it's not.

  4. Ah, autocorrect... Not "hoping", "yipping"...

  5. I don't know any one who is passionately for or passionately against Trump. In my world, although some may shake their heads or are bemused, we all realize that the Trump supporters are immune to the snark and insults. It's like crying wolf; it falls on deaf ears; it's counterproductive.
    Then there is me, and I know I am alone on this. I try to avoid voting for Senator/Lawyers or Lawyer/Senators as well as those who have been at the public trough throughout their adult lives. I am indifferent to glib, and unmoved by the ability to process and regurgitate white papers. I am secretly gleeful over the failure of money, and the failure of the tried and true tactics, as in sneaky and underhanded, that worked so well in the past. I think the debates are a pointless joke and I am annoyed at their frequency, probably because it is money in the pockets of the MSM.

  6. Ymar Sakar1:13 PM

    Technically, Alphas don't beg Fox news to fire women they fear either, but instead has a more direct and applicable bribe/leverage to exert that isn't in public.

  7. Ymar Sakar1:16 PM

    This is also why I didn't make fun of the PUA culture back in 2008, when Cassandra and Grim and others were talking about it.

    I saw it as being more influential in its growth than the average audience would have. Something to be taken seriously, like the Left should have been taken seriously.

  8. I was under the impression it was because you were hoping they could help you out with girls.

    None of them are alphas either, actually. An alpha male among primates commands loyalty because he deserves loyalty. Instapundit likes to say "A pack, not a herd." Strictly speaking, it's neither: among primates, the right term is "troop." A troop is led by someone whose loyalty to the members is not in question, and who enjoys their loyalty in turn.

    All those emotional manipulation techniques belong to fringe members who don't have the internal virtues necessary to hold the position honestly. They're just hoping to sneak into the benefits for a while. But it can't last. They'll always be found wanting on examination, because they are.

  9. Ymar Sakar7:59 AM

    I was under the impression it was because you were hoping they could help you out with girls.

    That's ironic, but I suppose it would have been too difficult to pick up the primary reason at the time. I used to go around the internet keeping 95% of what I know or suspected about the Left and other things, hidden. Since the usual response to them would have been "that's a conspiracy" or "that's paranoid", as expected. Mentioning brainwashing and Leftist psychologists in 1980s doing R and D on false memory implantation via regressive hypnosis, was beyond what people back then could accept, without additional changes in their world view. NLP included.

    All those emotional manipulation techniques belong to fringe members who don't have the internal virtues necessary to hold the position honestly.

    Like politicians and lawyers in a court room..., from my viewpoint the culture has been under subversion and influence for longer than PCs have been around. It is nothing new. The popularization of anything, including reality tv, tends to produce a kind of crassness, to go with the popular appeal.

    A herd, of course, does still have a hierarchy. Horses have mares and stallions. Cape/Water buffalo have whatever they have that's effective when mass charging lions.

    They're just hoping to sneak into the benefits for a while. But it can't last. They'll always be found wanting on examination, because they are.

    That is why it is easier to destroy a Republic than to create it. When weaponized under the Left's strategic assets and logistics, they don't need to make America last another hundred years. They can use what they know to destroy it, as Trump or Hussein or Clinton could or have. And inevitably, just as Muslims taught the Spanish the benefits of Slavery 2.0, the enemies of the Left will counter the Left using the Left's own weapons. Even though it might not do any good at that point.
