This Guy

Draft-dodger Donald Trump once said that the danger he faced from getting sexually transmitted diseases was his own “personal Vietnam.”

In a 1997 interview with shock jock Howard Stern, Trump talked about how he had been “lucky” not to have contracted diseases when he was sleeping around.

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam-era,” Trump said in a video that resurfaced Tuesday on Buzzfeed, “It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
All right, let's add a complete incapacity to distinguish virtue from vice to your list of qualifications.


  1. A buddy went 70 days without a shower at Con Thien. The subject of women in combat had come up, in reference to combat hygiene. Pretty sure Mr. Trump had a shower every day. Probably not too much shrap-metal either.

  2. Ymar Sakar9:21 AM

    No wonder Trump is friends and allies with the Clintons.

    Clintons are very good at using that whole draft dodging excuse, to empower themselves and their allies, morally and ethically. As well as with government might.

    They are... "compatible" to an extent larger than Republicans are compatible with Trump's megalomania.

    Yet Trump decided to run as a Republican. Perhaps open primaries weren't enough to Leftists, when they sabotaged REpublican primaries before.
