The NRA Wins Again

This time in Maryland, where the "assault weapons ban" was ruled to be in violation of the 2nd Amendment.

UPDATE: HuffPo: "People Have a 'Fundamental Right' to Own Assault Weapons, Court Rules."


  1. Ymar Sakar7:06 PM

    So long as the Left's power isn't broken, they will try again. They never give up.

  2. Tangential topic: the Spousal One and I have been noticing the new NRA "Freedom's Safest Place" TV ads (maybe they're airing more in MD because of the vote). They are nothing short of brilliant, if you haven't seen them:

  3. The NRA really knows what it's doing. I wish some GOP candidates would hire their campaign and PR operatives. I watch an NRA ad and think, "Why can't my preferred candidates make their points this directly?"

  4. I had the same thought, Tex.
