Sometimes I Wish I Lived in an Airstream


  1. We lived in a 21-foot Airstream for most of a year while we were building here. We love Airstreams.

  2. I tried to talk the wife into buying something like that instead of a house, but she was not having any. We could spend the rest of our lives living in National Parks, I said. Move from one natural wonder to the next for as long as we live, I said.

    "I want a garden," she said, and that was that.

  3. raven1:17 PM

    Give me a motorcycle, a bedroll and a tent. A winding canyon road with red rock mesa and a clear desert river shaded by aspens.

    Don't fence me in.

  4. I remember when I was a kid and I wanted to be a big rig driver. Nice shiny machine, sleeper cab, and the best desk chair in America. At least that was the romantic vision in my head.

  5. I guess if it's not an Airstream, or a tent, my other gypsy dream is living on a sailboat.
