
I'm gearing up to run the primary elections here in my precinct, and realized in talking to a brand-new volunteer that I don't at all understand the relationship between the Texas popular vote and the caucuses that are held as soon as the polls close.  Nor did I understand whether Texas was a winner-take-all or a proportional state.  It turns out there was good reason for my confusion:  in an apparent attempt to wire around the Republican National Committee's rules for holding a winner-take-all primary before March 14, the Texas Republican Party put together a complicated mechanism, since modified by an RNC ruling, that . . . does something I can't quite figure out.  Apparently it's mostly proportional by state district popular vote, but some at-large delegates are proportional by statewide popular vote, and there's some kind of mechanism for allocating the delegates that would have gone to anyone who was under 20% of the popular vote, but there's also some kind of special rule depending on whether the top candidate won a majority or only a plurality.  I give up.  Here's a link.  It's Byzantine.


  1. Yeah, that's something. At first I was thinking, "Oh, this isn't so bad, it's clear enough, there's just a threshold and then... well, no, here's another thing... but also... or... hmm."

    It's not good for a democratic Republic to have rules the voters can't understand. Hard to be sure the rules were fairly applied if almost no one can even say what they are.

  2. Douglas212:41 AM

    What it needs is an app to apply the rules calculate the result, provided by a company whose principals have provided lots of financial support to one of the candidates.
    Oh, sorry, that was the other party and Iowa.

  3. Ymar Sakar7:44 AM

    This is why elections need to be recounted until the judges and lawyers decide all the votes have been counted.

    Even if that's 150% of a precinct. The voters aren't really the power brokers there, they're just harvested for their votes like livestock. Somebody else is always pulling the strings.

  4. Gringo11:25 PM

    In the 2008 TX Demo Primary, Obama cleaned up in the caucuses, ending up with a substantially higher proportion of convention delegates than his proportion of the vote. Obama knows how to play political hardball- domestically if not internationally.
