Coin-Toss in Iowa

Apparently an important part of the process of apportioning delegates. Clinton won a... surprising number of them.

I guess tossing a coin, if it is an honest coin, is as good a way of picking a President as anything. We just need a more random process for determining among whom the coin is choosing to go with it.

UPDATE: C-SPAN reports Clinton fraud in Polk County (which, by the way, is a huge county).


  1. Clinton and/or her staff involved in something shady? The devil you say.

  2. Yeah, that staff thing is a helpful trick. One Clinton staffer caught at the caucus with a double-tail quarter? That's just a rogue staffer. Ten Clinton staffers caught with double-headed quarters? That's just a... slightly higher placed rogue staffer! Nothing that could touch the boss.

  3. Gringo8:36 PM

    In 2008, Obama people did dicey things in the caucuses after many primary votes- such as in Texas- resulting in Obama's getting more delegates than the vote percentages warranted. I suspect that Clinton 2016 is taking the attitude that LBJ 1948 did towards stuffing the ballot boxes in the Senate primary- do unto others as he was done to in the 1941 Senate primary.

    As for my opinion on the Demo primaries: a plague on both their houses.

  4. Ymar Sakar10:07 AM

    If you ain't cheating, you aren't trying, Grim.

    That's the difference between people who know they are in a war to win, vs the people they are just slaughtering who think peace is still there.
