Against Philistines

Tennessee moves to protect its statues from destruction. Seems like there's a wave of destroying art that symbolizes history we'd rather forget, these last few years. The Taliban dynamited Buddhas. ISIS wrecks even mosques they don't like, as well as any remaining Classical civilization they can lay hands upon. Iran visits Italy, and Renaissance sculptures are hidden away so they don't disturb. Cartoons that offend must not be republished, or hung even in an art gallery where people might see them. The Merlin sculpture hardly got up before people were arguing it was "vandalism" to put it there.

Whatever this is, it is not liberal tolerance for diversity. Even the dead must conform to current opinions.

1 comment:

  1. Ymar Sakar8:37 PM

    ISIS wrecks even mosques they don't like, as well as any remaining Classical civilization they can lay hands upon.

    Just finishing the job that the Caliphs, in their greed and desire for advanced technology, did not.

    Even the dead must conform to current opinions.

    You already know they've been voting Democrat since they died. What else did you not expect.
