Maybe He Was A Lumberjack In His Spare Time

Mexican drug lord 'El Chapo' had one of those scary .50 caliber rifles -- one he obtained through President Obama's "Fast and Furious" program.

Via Instapundit, a reminder that the ATF wanted to use their avoidance of American gun control regulations in "Fast and Furious" as a pretext to push for more gun control regulations. Criminals don't obey the law, and it appears Federal agencies don't either.


  1. raven3:54 PM

    " Criminals don't obey the law, and it appears Federal agencies don't either. "

    Is there a difference anymore?

  2. Ymar Sakar11:21 AM

    Usually there is. You go to jail for shooting one, but might skate out for shooting the other one. Strategic difference, not tactical though.
