It Is An Important Question

"Will Hillary Clinton get prosecuted?" is most searched question on Google ahead of the Democratic debate on Sunday night. "Will Hillary Clinton win the nomination?" is second and "What did Hillary Clinton do that is illegal?" is the third.


  1. Frankly, I do not know if she will be prosecuted for this. My hope is that the FBI director presses for an indictment and that the President decides that he doesn't like the Clintons enough to put her ambitions over the good of the Democrat party, so he lets the Justice Department pursue the charges. But, for that to happen, I am afraid he also has to believe that Bernie Sanders can beat the Republican nominee.

    I earnestly hope (and believe) that an indictment will sink her chances, and a pardon (or refusal to prosecute) will sink the party's chances. And I hope the Administration makes the same calculation. But I also am cynical enough not to bet against the Clintons' ability to sleaze their way out of trouble.

  2. Well, right now Bernie is polling better than her against all the likely Republican nominees. In fact, he's beating them (Rubio is within 1%), and by larger margins than she is. So that may not be a card in her favor, depending on whether Obama believes the polls.

    She sure was kissing up to him at the debate, though. You have to figure she's really sweating it, and is promising true fealty to his legacy if only he'll keep her out of jail.

  3. She won't be indicted or prosecuted this year. However, the statute of limitations will be far from run out next year.

    What's surprising to me, and disappointing, because in the end it's not that surprising, is the question that ranked third.

    Eric Hines

  4. Ymar Sakar3:19 PM

    Democrats haven't been prosecuted for Vietnam, Waco, or Waco 2 either. Not under this system, nor will it.

    The Democrats lynching abolitionists, whites or not, in the North, 1830, 30 years before so called "Tyrant Lincoln" or the "War of Northern Aggression" were probably pardoned too.

  5. She sure was kissing up to him at the debate, though. You have to figure she's really sweating it, and is promising true fealty to his legacy if only he'll keep her out of jail.

    I absolutely do believe that. She now knows her fate is completely in his hands and will do absolutely nothing to disrespect him right up until she doesn't need him anymore. Hopefully he is no fool who confuses that with actual respect and gratitude, because I'm not sure that woman actually possesses those virtues. I believe I may actually feel similarly about her to how my father feels about John Kerry.

  6. Is it possible Obama could stall his way out of this? He could wait until the primaries are over and if Sanders wins, then prosecute. Or, if Hilary wins, then he can run out the clock some more. If she wins the presidency, he can pardon her before she takes office to ward off future legal battles.

  7. He could try and run out the clock on prosecution. But if the FBI director calls for a grand jury, an attempt to run out the clock will have the exact same effect as an attempt to pardon. It will be a transparent partisan attempt to protect the privileged.

  8. Ymar Sakar2:24 PM

    Gone way beyond partisan by now. Partisans start wars, but it stops being about them soon afterwards.
