For Eric Blair

Best Insults from Ancient Rome.

I think the "still broke" one is the best, or at least the one for which I can think of the most applications today.


  1. raven4:37 PM

    "jittery as a rat in a roasting pot"....I like that!

  2. Anonymous6:34 PM

    The Latin teacher next door is going to love that book! (And we'd probably better hide it from the students ;) )


  3. Hide it from the students! If it will get them to read Latin, you should only make a plausible pretense of hiding it from them.

  4. Gringo10:13 PM

    I have seen high school students exchange insults from Shakespeare. Good stuff.

  5. Quentin Tarantino looks remarkably like Juvenal.

    Also: "Are you still snoring? Is your slack head almost snapped on its stalk, with your face unzipped by the yawns earned in yesterday's debaucheries? Do you have any goals in life? Is there any point to your life?"

    Persius had to be an NCO in somebody's army.

  6. Eric Blair4:04 PM

    LOL. Tom may be right. Like bacon, everything is better with Latin.

  7. I have seen high school students exchange insults from Shakespeare. Good stuff.

    One of my favorite internet memes I've seen in recent history is the "modern insults as written by Shakespeare".

    "Dost thou even lift, knave?"
    "Dost thou wish to go, sir?"
    "Cometh at me, wretch!"
    "Farewell, Felicia."
