And That's That

The VPC-written assault weapons ban in Georgia is officially dead.
House Speaker David Ralston said Friday that legislation to ban assault weapons in Georgia will not become law on his watch.

“As long as I am speaker of this House, I will not use any of our valuable time taking away the constitutional rights of our citizens,” Ralston told reporters at an impromptu news conference, making the end of the first five days of the 40-day legislative session.


  1. In other shooting related news, this seems like a questionable idea...

  2. Especially in light of recent Swedish cover ups.

    Eric Hines

  3. Ymar Sakar2:35 PM

    When Sweden declared neutrality in WWII, I bet people thought that was a good idea at the time. Little did they know that national policies might affect the genetic sequence and thus pass down, of each successive generation.

  4. We should probably train lots of Muslim shooters, and then send them back to Syria with plenty of ammunition.

  5. raven1:22 AM

    Ha! Ed Abbey, an irascible old codger, earned the enmity of his former leftist admirers (watermelons) when he suggested the best thing to do with all the illegals coming over the border was to give them a rifle, a hundred rounds of ammo, and send them back.
