Against Multiple Regression Analyses

I mean, really against them.
A huge range of science projects are done with multiple regression analysis. The results are often somewhere between meaningless and quite damaging.... I hope that in the future, if I’m successful in communicating with people about this, there’ll be a kind of upfront warning in New York Times articles: These data are based on multiple regression analysis. This would be a sign that you probably shouldn’t read the article because you’re quite likely to get non-information or misinformation.
Journalism is hard hit, but -- as the article shows -- the biggest damage is to psychology.


  1. OK, that is really weird - I just read that article and it was great! I was getting ready to forward it to my co-minions.

  2. It made Arts & Letters Daily. :)

  3. Ymar Sakar10:10 PM

    Good thing I don't use that multiple regression whatever.

    I go straight to the source, which usually for humans is the energy structure of water that they have inside them or are around.

  4. Thales? Is that you?

  5. Ymar Sakar3:26 PM

    I looked him up. That must be what Tom is referring to.

    Many, most notably Aristotle, regard him as the first philosopher in the Greek tradition.[1][2] Aristotle reported Thales' hypothesis that the originating principle of nature and the nature of matter was a single material substance: water.

    The nature of matter and energy would be physics, part of the metaphysics, done by Einstein, Calculus, Quantum Mechanics.

    The principle of nature is water, because water is what allows the birth of life, information wise, from the beginning. Specifically water in the liquid form, with electricity and other energy being input into the water to structure it as crystals are structured in shapes.

    I think of water in its modern context, as a memory storage device. People have long dreamed of the machine biological interface, direct neural conduction into machine code and storage or calculation. But before that, I suspect that the water-machine bridge must first be constructed. The interaction of computer data flow with water.

    Water is the soul. Liquid water has heavy influences from Christianity. Like Thales, while I know of mythology and revealed truth in various holy books, I prefer to explain the world in my own fashion.

  6. Ymar Sakar4:11 PM

    This would be a sign that you probably shouldn’t read the article because you’re quite likely to get non-information or misinformation.

    That's not a problem for me, since the number of those articles I've read is less than 5. Probably closer to zero, over the last 8 years.

    No article, no problem. No way for information to get past the firewall, no problem.
