Shakespearean Carols

Not ready for Christmas music yet, but hearing it at every place you go? Just memorize a few of these, and you can sing along until Advent is over and the Christmas season truly upon us.


  1. Was a chaperone on a field trip for my daughter's class today to the los Angeles Master Chorale referral for their Christmas program. They did a couple of pieces that were drawing on various of that era, in new arrangements. It was quite beautiful. It was unfortunate though that the trip was marred by one of our kids getting attacked on the way out by a vagrant. My group wasn't right there when it happened, but the kids a spunky one and got himself out of his grasp, and security took him down. Crazy day. Another push to get out of this crazy city...

  2. Sorry, not 'referral', but 'rehersal'

  3. Ug, not 'various of that era', but 'carols of that era'

  4. There are planes leaving every day, you know. Like Casablanca -- the plane to America.

  5. Oh, that it were so easy. But we're working on it. I think it will take a couple more years, alas.
