Moon Letters

In the Black Book of Carmarthen.

The explanation is easier: the writing is on vellum, which was often 'erased' by being scraped and then written over. It turns out that, with UV light, we can see the old letters and read them.


  1. Ymar Sakar6:13 PM

    I see that the Ministry of History was already working back then to "correct" the narrative by rewriting things.

    Then again, if Islam had not destroyed the export of Egyptian Papyrus to the Western Roman territories, they wouldn't have had to go to the expense of erasing previous works. Another great benefit from the "Muslim golden age" as we can see.

  2. Ymar Sakar6:20 PM

    The Celtic Literature Collection says of two poems attributed to Merlin, “The poems are often attributed to Myrddin, as one of his ‘prophetic’ poems made during his madness in Celydon.” Merlin had a “wild man” phase before he became the wise counselor of four British kings, though it’s possible Scottish stories of Lailoken were attached to Myrddin in the Middle Ages.

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    I find that strangely persuasive, since often people who refused to submit to authority were exiled from villages, became mad with solitude and learned how to survive without human social crutches, then came back with exceptional vision, strength of will, and resources of wisdom under their control. It was a way for primitive societies to exile and allow potential future leaders to gain experience, without disrupting the Social Authority of the status quo.

    Myrddin: I first encountered that spelling from the Japanese and it took quite a number of references before I realized what they were referring to.

    Knowledge -> Madness -> Removing oneself from human toxicity -> Wisdom -> Magic

    with this lapse into madness Myrddin is said to have acquired the gift of prophecy.

    Heh, prophecy is it.
