John Wayne Does Not Smile

"Yes, I apologize," [Bernie Sanders] said when asked whether Clinton was owed an apology. "Not only do I apologize, I want to apologize to my supporters. This is not the kind of campaign that we run. If I find anybody else involved in this, they will be fired."

You buy into Clinton, you're buying four years of this. It'll be nothing but corruption hiding behind corruption, with the decent told they need to apologize for coming anywhere near it. I've said a lot against Trump, who deserves it, but Clinton is the worst candidate in the race.


  1. Ymar Sakar1:16 AM

    Apologizing to SJWs merely means the sharks smell blood. That goes 10x for Leftist priests and pols.

  2. So often in life we are rightly called to apologize. It is their affront that they derail this civilizing act.

  3. Ymar Sakar10:53 AM

    Any enemy will attempt to exploit your weaknesses. Even on the ancient American frontier, politeness may have been interpreted as a sign of weakness and exploited.

  4. Ymar Sakar10:59 AM

    Strangely, the Japanese have a different social dynamic when it comes to over apologizing. For them, it's a kind of self satisfaction, relieving of the guilt, reinforcing their face in the public reputation, since apologies are ritualized and thus socially accepted or enforced.

    There may be too much benefit for them, as the ritual purifies and almost makes people forget the act ever happened or ever will happen, on top of the forgiveness aspect. It's so ritualized the explanation for why isn't obvious. They keep talking about it though.
