Hey! For Christmas!

We were late to midnight Mass, because I had relied on my memory about when it started instead of checking. It was a pleasant Christmas Eve, though, filled with Christmas tradition. This morning the family all gathered for joy and company, which lasted through a late lunch feast.

My sister declined to drink any of the gallon of Christmas mead I made for her, because she announced that she was with child. The mead will be even better next Christmas. She has had grave difficulty in the past, so I hope she will this time both mother and child shall come through whole and hale. If so, we can toast the birth with the mead we would have drunk this year.

I hope you have all had a fine Christmas Day, and will have the opportunity to pursue the Christmas joy throughout at least some of each of the traditional twelve days of the feast.


  1. What exciting news about your sister! I wish her the best, and a Merry Christmas to you.

  2. (Belated) Merry Christmas to you and best wishes for your sister and her baby!

  3. What a wonderful Christmas! Congratulations to your sisters family, and Merry Christmas to all!

  4. Oh, and, only 20 years ago, Midnight Mass was at...............MIDNIGHT!

  5. Yeah, that's when I showed up.
