Fire Wasserman Schultz

A petition on has garnered over forty thousand signatures. Feel free to add yours.

Looks like Sanders has won for the moment. Still, removing a corrupt tool like DWS is worth doing on its own merits.


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Oh, hell no. The Democratic Party at the national level is in deep need of an exile to the wilderness, so it can come back with better candidates and better ideas. Washerman-Schultz is a major factor in driving them out. Let her stay, and finish the job.

    Actually, I really think that nobody competent wanted that job, ever since the radicals took over the party. She and Nancy Pelosi are well suited to one another.


  2. Well, I hear Nancy is looking for something to do after her retirement at the end of this Congress.

    You have to elect the Party in order to see what is inside it.

    Eric Hines
