DNC Moves to Sabotage Sanders Campaign

In addition to scheduling the Democratic debate on the Saturday night before Christmas during the exact same time as NFL football, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has used a minor scandal to cripple Sanders' access to voter data. It looks like some lower-level staffers managed to exploit a bug in the DNC's software to look at Clinton's own data, but the Sanders campaign both fired the chief staffer involved and itself reported the violation to the DNC. Meanwhile, as the Sanders' campaign points out, its data was just as available -- and there's no way to know that Clinton's campaign didn't look at their stuff too. In fact, as a betting man, I'd wager heavily that Clinton's campaign absolutely exploited the regular flaws in this software and simply hasn't reported itself for cheating.

All the stops are out on the Clinton Express, though. The DNC is wholly in the tank for her.


  1. In their presser this morning, the Sanders campaign alleged that the DNC had blocked their access to their own data, also.

    Separately, I wonder whether the DNC had direct hand in this. I wonder whether the Clinton campaign itself both set up, and then framed, the Sanders campaign. The "dropping the firewall to do the software update" that is supposedly at the heart of the problem is something the DNC has known about for some months: the Sanders campaign had told them about that, too, some time ago.

    Eric Hines

  2. What makes Clinton such an awesome candidate for the highest office in the land is that theories like yours are totally plausible.

  3. Eric Blair7:37 PM


  4. Eric Blair7:38 PM

    I never thought I'd see this Boss Tweed shit come around again, but holy SQL queries, I was wrong.

  5. Ymar Sakar10:16 AM

    They have their orders, Grim, as you can see for yourself.

  6. I'm not sure it's orders, YS. You don't have to teach a cat to catch mice.
