Dissent Magazine: "Beyond the Wage System"

A call for a universal basic income to address the exploitative nature of work, "under-work," "over-work," and non-work.

The author "teaches in the Women’s Studies Program at Duke University. She studies feminist theory, political theory, the critical study of work, and utopian thought."

By coincidence, I also ran across this image from an anarchist cartoonist that seems to capture the argument surprisingly well:


  1. Maybe the author should go back to her feminine navel gazing.

    Her blatherings are a microaggression and an invasion of my safe space.

    Eric Hines

  2. The author "teaches in the Women’s Studies Program at Duke University. She studies feminist theory, political theory, the critical study of work, and utopian thought."

    Funny, she doesn't teach economics? I'm shocked!

    heh heh heh

  3. Eric Blair5:42 PM

    Nixon played with the idea of a universal income. He and Senator Moynihan gave it up as unworkable. Last year a friend of mine (who ought to know better) was suggesting the same thing. It is "Get over" culture at work again.

  4. I run into people who believe in a universal income all the time. I think they never got over the idea of their parents' putting them on an allowance.

  5. Eric Blair5:44 PM

    That is pretty much it, I think. I recently saw a friend post a .gif on FB, which I think was from the movie "Pacific Rim" and showed a little girl running screaming from a Giant "Kaiju" monster down a street with all the usual property damage, and the little girl was labeld "me" and the monster was labled "adult life".

    The friend in question is in his 40s somewhere.

    Just won't grow up. Like Cass told her kids: "Life is unfair." You gotta deal with it.
