Dear President Obama: Get Used To Losing

The country has moved beyond you. You're so removed from the reality of this nation that your words are empty. You bring these proposals to the people a day after the Senate rejected them? Had they passed the Senate, they'd have died in the House; had they passed Congress, they'd have died in the courts. The Friday before last, Americans bought enough new guns to equip the Marine Corps. You aren't even connected to the world we live in.

Islamophobia? We should always want to be fair to anyone, as a simple matter of justice. May we not ask, though, whether Islam doesn't embrace a view of women that is incompatible with the American view? If it is not, why not? Is it bigotry to ask about the concept of jihad, or the problematic parts of the Koran? We might thereby come to an Islam we could accept, but perhaps only thereby. Why ban the road that might lead to a compromise we could accept? Do you really think the American people are motivated, this week of recent weeks, by a desire not to ask compromises of Islam?

You live in a distant world. The chief peril now is not that you might win, but that the reaction to you will elect Donald Trump. Your last year is going to be embarrassing to you. I only hope it does not do too much damage to the nation you pretend to lead.


  1. Ymar Sakar10:34 AM

    Not a distant world, just a hell he is going to bring to America, whether people like it or not. That is the true nature of the Left, a power beyond your imagination.

    Given the actual power of the collective nature of the United States, the amount of power it takes to break that pillar, is immense. Far more than people would imagine, compared to demolishing a building on 9/11.

  2. May we not ask, though, whether Islam doesn't embrace a view of women that is incompatible with the American view?

    It never ceases to amaze me that the Dems continually suggest that Republicans' views on women represent some sort of clear and present danger to all Womynkynd, but dismiss mainstream Muslim views/treatment of women as a vibrant exercise of multi-culturalism that is no threat to anyone.


  3. Ymar Sakar12:13 PM

    Islam's view of women is very compatible with Leftist views of women in America; the Judas goats.
