Charles Blow Visits a Gun Show

And the result is slightly positive.
I thought of how productive it would be if more people with discordant views on gun regulations could have as civil a discussion as I had with my brother — full of mutual respect, adults disagreeing but not attempting to demonize, honestly searching for solutions.

The gun lobby poisons these conversations. It pumps out and promotes a never-ending stream of worst-case scenarios until it builds a level of fear and paranoia that only profits gun makers and grinds all progress to a halt.

Indeed, the Austin Highway Gun Show itself published on its Facebook page on Dec. 9 an image of a gun and a Bible with the caption: “History has shown that these are the first two things banned by totalitarian governments.”

But, I must also say that, to a lesser degree, some proponents of better regulations also do damage by painting with too broad a brush and labeling the millions of gun hunters, collectors and people simply seeking to provide an extra layer of protections for their families — people like my brother and his gun show buddies — as deranged and deficient. Most are not. Many are simply enthusiasts like my brother and the elderly man who climbed out of an S.U.V. as we were about to leave.

My brother bellowed, as is his wont, “How you doing today?” The man responded with a smile, “Any day I can go to a gun show is a good day.”
Emphasis added. I think we can disagree about which side "poisons" the debate the most. Still, it's a more welcome tone than we've seen from the Times lately. Or, indeed, from many others.


  1. Gringo6:40 PM

    The gun lobby poisons these conversations. It pumps out and promotes a never-ending stream of worst-case scenarios until it builds a level of fear and paranoia that only profits gun makers and grinds all progress to a halt.

    Indeed, the Austin Highway Gun Show itself published on its Facebook page on Dec. 9 an image of a gun and a Bible with the caption: “History has shown that these are the first two things banned by totalitarian governments.”

    For all the talk about "fear and paranoia," the claim “History has shown that these are the first two things[guns, bible]banned by totalitarian governments" is more accurate than not accurate.

    So making factual statements constitutes "fear and paranoia." Sounds like a lefty to me.

  2. I thought it was charming how unselfconsciously he slipped from celebrating discourse that doesn't attempt to demonize to "the gun lobby poisons...".

    But at least he could go to the gun show and see the people for the smiling, happy, decent folk that they were. That's something, even if it's far from everything.

  3. I noted the same as both of you. "I'm going to throw a few insults at you, then we will sit down and have a reasonable discussion."

    At the moment, it's the best we can get, so I nod in his direction. But I don't tip my hat.

  4. I thought it was charming how unselfconsciously he slipped from celebrating discourse that doesn't attempt to demonize to "the gun lobby poisons..."

    That would be because he confuses the "gun lobby" with some faceless sinister organization rather than what it is. A collection of the very same people he thought were nice and personable. It's true pretty much everywhere. Gun owners can be reasonable, responsible, likeable, but that damned NRA!!! They're a evil consortium of baby murderers who just want to enrich the gun manufacturers.

    No you blinkered idiots! The NRA IS those very same good people. That's who it belongs to, and represents.

  5. That would be because he confuses the "gun lobby" with some faceless sinister organization rather than what it is. A collection of the very same people he thought were nice and personable.

    Exactly right. The NRA is just that part of its several million members who show up at the conference to make decisions. They're the same folks who go to gun shows. Ordinary, decent, friendly Americans for the most part.

  6. Ymar Sakar6:57 PM

    What a shaking coward they are, when they think that line about bible and guns is "paranoid". It is no where near close, but to a shaking coward, it must appear to be the height of fashionable fear. Projecting their own flaws and livestock traits unto the rest of humanity, especially the upper 10 and 3 %, is truly worthy of contempt.

    When they are given the order by the Islamic divine authority and by their Leftist God king to turn in their brothers, what will they do then... betray their blood and fellows for silver coins or be branded an Islamophobe and thus heretic and apostate of their own religious fanaticism.
