Bill Cosby Charged

I don't mean to imply by this post that he is not innocent until proven guilty, but I am encouraged to see such a celebrity brought before the courts given the serious and not incredible charges against him. I hope the process will be thorough and fair, the truth arrived at, and justice done.

May power and political connections also prove to be impotent as a bar to justice.


  1. Eric Blair10:19 PM

    I'm seeing memes on twitter that are comparing the treatment Cosby has received with Bill Clinton.

  2. Ymar Sakar2:06 PM

    Your paradigm is mismatched and erroneous, Grim.

    The Left are in charge and in power, the celebrities are not. Especially celebrities that go against the Left and transgress the Dogma.

  3. What I said, Ymar, was "may power and political connections also prove to be impotent." I didn't say they would, only that I wished that they would.

  4. ColoComment5:23 PM

    I have not followed this closely (or even from afar, really), but I find the timing interesting.
    This is quite a few years beyond the initial claim, and absent newly discovered evidence, why now? What has changed, beyond the statute of limitations running out? What makes this prosecutor believe that he can win this case at trial?
    I did happen to hear on the radio news last night that the claimant (victim? I hesitate to use that term) did not report her accusation for >a year past the event. I heard no details about why she delayed. So am simply ignorant on that, but curious nonetheless.
    I believe I heard something about a statement of Cosby's that contradicted an earlier deposition. However, while inconsistency may be evidence of prevarication or a bad memory, it is not evidence of a criminal act.
    If I were a Trump political operative, I could not think of a better, more camouflaged method of bringing Bill Clinton's infidelities into the media spotlight than this. Quite Machiavelian (were it so).
    It will be interesting to follow the Cosby case & see if it truly goes anywhere....

  5. I don't know the answers to those questions, ColoComment. If you discover them, let us know.

  6. Ymar Sakar6:45 PM

    I wished people would wake up to the Truth in 2007 instead of keeping their heads stuck in the sand waiting for the tsunami to pass them safely by, but I eventually figured out that wish wasn't really feasible.

    So in that sense, Grim, you have my sympathies.

    What I referred to was what you were "encouraged" by. Not what you later said "may....." "....also prove".

  7. ColoComment3:41 PM

    Nothing substantive, I just thought this was fun. Althouse posting on a "fashion" writer's column on Cosby's attire.
    Don't miss the comments. I love her commentariat.

  8. Heh. I wonder if I want to stay out of prison enough to shave my beard for the purpose of appearing less threatening to a jury? Probably not.
