A Year in the Life of Grim

I was thinking back this evening on how much 2015 has been a difficult year.  I decided it would be good to go back through my photographs from the year to find some things to be grateful for.  It has been a difficult year in several respects, but it turns out that it I had a great year that somehow ran concurrently with the difficult one.  I'm glad I looked back.  Here's hoping 2016 is a good year, too. 

Oconee river on a warm day in January.

Ice storm in March.

Tallulah Gorge in April.

Fifty miles in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in May.

Grand Tetons and Yellowstone in June.

Linville Gorge & Grandfather Mountain in July.

Cohutta Wilderness, September.

Stone Mountain, October, Scottish Highland Games.

Tallulah Gorge again, November. 

Cooking out in my firepit, December.


  1. Well, you clearly like scenery, and you saw some. So there's that.

    Dave Barry said it was the worst year ever, even worse than the plague year of 1347. YMMV. http://www.miamiherald.com/living/liv-columns-blogs/dave-barry/article51119880.html

  2. George Will wasn't too happy, either. Barry is focused on culture, Will on politics.

    John Wayne talked a lot about the physical beauty of America too, as I was just mentioning on another post. I saw more than scenery this year: I stalked a grizzly bear in the Yellowstone, and stood a black bear off its kill in the Smokies. I rode motorcycles and bought an AR-15 banned by a previous government to defy the current one.

    I saw America, in other words. It's still a beautiful place. It's still a beautiful thing. We just need to clear some brush.

  3. It was a good year in many ways. Thanks for reminding us, and for the great photos!

    And happy new year! Looks like it will be a good year for monkey business ...

  4. raven6:32 PM

    Happy New Year! May you get a few real good rides in, see some mountains, have a few drinks around a campfire, perforate a couple tin cans and just generally enjoy and inspire.

  5. Ymar Sakar6:35 PM

    Almost everything is as I foresaw in 2007 and 2008. The only thing depressing about it is reading what other people have to say, like it is 2015.

    Oh right, it is 2016 now... for them.

  6. I have heard that a prophet is often without honor in his own country.
