A Small Irony on Religion

Sister John Paul Bauer shot a ten-point buck, and shared the meat with local hungry families. Naturally, she came under intense and obscene criticism.
Within days, the nearby Erie Diocese removed the Facebook post because of nasty comments posted by activists who apparently were offended enough by guns, God and hunting to feel justified in reacting offensively and lewdly.

God, guns and prayer have been intertwined as enemies of the political left ever since Barack Obama described Pennsylvania voters as being “bitter” over job losses and surmised that “they cling to guns or religion.”

Despite handily winning this state twice, his and the left's hatred for the very people who voted for him has never waned. As with everything else he dislikes about traditional American culture, he has sought to “correct” the behavior of those people.

Last week, that corrective zeal reached an entirely new level when the left condemned the act of offering thoughts and prayers to the grieving, treating it as code for gun ownership.
Had she been a devout Muslim, would the criticism be as loud?

Probably not. Nevertheless, if she had been, it would be the NRA and not the President defending her right to keep and bear arms. The people so hot to restrict her rights are the very ones who think themselves to be on the side of sympathy and understanding for the religious -- provided they are Muslims. The NRA is as ready to defend a Muslim's rights as a Catholic's, but they are said to be the enemies of all that is decent and good in America.


  1. raven2:58 PM

    ". The NRA is as ready to defend a Muslim's rights as a Catholic's, but they are said to be the enemies of all that is decent and good in America."

    It is because they are decent and good, that they can be criticized with impunity. Does anyone think for an instant if the NRA was out chopping heads off, that the left would be so vocal?

  2. What bothers me most about this is the cowardice of the Diocese's management (I hesitate to call it leadership) in taking down the Facebook bit rather than answering the...complaints.

    That's also just another surrender of the terms of the debate to the fools and bigots.

    Eric Hines

  3. This is what Trump has taught us. She should go shoot ten more, getting all the help she can. (In NH, that would be only with a bow, and that ends tomorrow.)

    As for the left and guns, I am reading Jonathan Haidt's The Righteous Mind, so it easily occurs to me: Perhaps guns in and of themselves trigger an automatic disgust response in liberals.

  4. Perhaps guns in and of themselves trigger an automatic disgust response in liberals.

    Another purpose for owning carrying guns.

    Eric HInes

  5. Ymar Sakar6:45 PM

    An American Slave Empire has no use for arming slaves and livestock. Nor did the State Rights Confederacy of Slavery 2.0 land owners had any use for armed slaves either.
