Vibrant diverse youths

The AP staff must have a macro that generates these phrases:
Saint-Denis is one of France's most historic places. French kings were crowned and buried through the centuries in its famed basilica, a majestic Gothic church that towers over the area. Today the district is home to a vibrant and very ethnically diverse population and sees sporadic tension between police and violent youths.


  1. It's enough to make one question whether "vibrant" urban districts (let alone "diverse" ones) are a thing to be desired.

  2. Perhaps "vibrancy" is a euphemism for rioting and burning cars?

  3. I was wondering where you'd been. :)

  4. I'm tempted to say, "off rioting and burning cars", but don't want to be accused of undue vibrancy :p

  5. Ymar Sakar4:37 PM

    "Vibrancy is the strength of the West" hah

  6. Google came up with a few things: Steve Sailer and John Karras. The latter wrote "the level of debate about a neighborhood’s boundaries is one the most accurate indicators of a vibrant neighborhood." Which sounds like a neighborhood with street gangs...

  7. Wait, "vibrant" means "attractive women walking around at night"? That seems strangely unlikely in a neighborhood otherwise filled with burning cars and riots.
