That's What We Do

After nearly 75 years in the U.S., I still am stirred by the thought of American freedom—so precious and thrilling that I cannot imagine life without it.
It's Ten November. Happy Birthday, Marines. Tomorrow is Veteran's Day.

Shoot something. Knife something. Don't forget how we became free, and how we have stayed free.


  1. Ymar Sakar12:38 PM

    Europe and Israel are at the shoot/knife stage, though they would do better to learn how to use a sword though.

    But elsewhere, it's not time yet. Things progress on their own timetable, and yes European traitors to their culture/civ/nation/race can speed it up by importing in rapists and population replacement, but there's still a timetable.

  2. It's always a good time to shoot something.

  3. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I cut the hide off the tip of my thumb, does that count? :)

    The "useless little blade that won't take an edge" was rather sharp. I was rather foolish.

  4. That can happen. Heal up. :)

  5. William7:23 PM

    Happy Birthday Grim and Hall.

    William sends

  6. raven8:29 PM

    Remember the blade can cut both ways. I have a finely made British military sword, a model from the early 1820's.
    The hilt was replaced. It is Afghan. Somehow I think the original owner was not pleased with how things turned out.

  7. Happy Birthday, Leathernecks!
