Some Very Different Music For a Friday Night

Not sure if this is more diverse or more vibrant, but it's kind of cool.


  1. Eric Blair11:14 PM

    Love that drone.

  2. Yeah, you've gotta grab onto the drone to understand it. It serves the function Ice T gave to the bass line: "Now I have a place to sit."

  3. That's good Highlander stuff, though. The drone is the obvious 'place to sit' if you love bagpipes.

  4. Ymar Sakar11:09 AM

    Could be called "culturally appropriating" other people's stuff though.

    Given that Rousey Ronda is no longer undefeated, I happened to go open source research on why they kept talking about her and Mayweather. So I watched some of Mayweather's older fights, which seem to be on youtube.

    Vibrancy as conducted by the Left, is closer to HIV though.

  5. I'm not a big fan of the theory that 'cultural appropriation' is wrong. It's an important way that ideas spread -- indeed, I'd be only too happy if we could get some aspects of my culture appropriated by, say, recent immigrants.

    "Given that Rousey Ronda is no longer undefeated..."

    That fight exposed a real weakness in her training, didn't it? I remember reading an interview she gave in which she talked about how she wasn't allowed to punch for the first years of her career, because they wanted her to focus on her legwork. Although she ended up going down to a kick to the head, it was the punches that got her -- she wasn't able to guard herself by the time the kick came in.

    Well, we all have weaknesses and oversights that we aren't aware of until we get hit. So she's got some work to do to fix that weakness. I think she can, and come back stronger, because her basic technique is quite good. It just had a hole in it that needs patching through hard work and training.

    Whether she will depends on her heart. You don't really find out how strong your heart is until you get knocked down. Hopefully she'll find that hers is solid.

  6. Ymar Sakar3:00 PM

    That fight exposed a real weakness in her training, didn't it?

    As the after action interviews from Dana said, things become clear when the fight meets the enemy. Well actually he said something else that I don't remember exactly. But the point is, people who do blitz strategies, often run into supply issues (like Patton) when they go over the time limit. Normally the enemy's too punch drunk and on the defensive to do much about it. But there are also some people who intentionally burn the bridges behind them like Cortez and some Persian kings who invaded Baghdad.

    I see the more reckless form as over specialization. Doesn't mean it is the wrong strategy, but it is not the only strategy. Even if people using it loses. People who are predictable tend to get countered... by counter and technical fighters even.

    I got kicked in the outside right hip from a frontal kick, once. I tried to do a rotating side step I saw other people do, but my motor controls didn't have that sequence conditioned in. So I only did a gross large muscle movement to the left, which is why I got kicked in the outside of the hip rather than the stomach. I remember the first step I put down on my right leg, felt jagged, then my body and spine started ordering up more cocktails to be injected, and at that point I was moving better and with better accuracy. Later on, adrenaline crash occurred, but it felt more like an extremely level calm rather than the fatigue some people have described. For an entire week, I had a limp whenever I put weight on that leg, however. The joint socket had received collateral damage, not the muscle groupings.

    That was mostly because I had locked my weight into the ground, so when I got kicked, the other guy bounced off of me. Things like that tend to exacerbate damage from frontal kicks. Parts of the fight were deleted from my long term mem storage, so over the years the brain has "filled in the details". Those were mental fictions, like certain eye witness testimonies. I go based on the memory I remember of having had a few days after that incident, and distrust the memory I have of it now. Years later, I decided to get some actual training, now that I saw the deficiencies in trying to use physical skills under pressure from monkey see, monkey do mechanisms. As the Japanese like to say, nothing beats experience.

    Ronda's issue is generally she was locked into aggressive mode, so she turned around when punch drunk, and got hit in the neck (vagus nerves, jugular, and primary arteries) because her situational awareness was already shot and Holmes saw it. Somebody who has lost sight of Homles with that much damage, would normally reposition, run back to the middle, and setup their defenses again, to wait for the brain to figure out what's actually going on. Even Mayweather will go into the Turtle Defense with the gloves shielding his face, to the point where the opponent has "gone to his back", because Mayweather got hit and decides he needs time to recover. Buying a few seconds of time to "reset" the damage mentally, can be critical.

    Just spinning around and going into a charge, based on pure aggression, may surprise an inexperienced fighter, but Holmes is said to have had dozens of boxing ish fights before. She's seen chargers before, obviously.

    That certainly would be a learning experience, for her, I agree. But I don't think it was a weakness in her training, more of a weakness in her level of experience. People tend to go with what works. If Technique A works 99% of the time, few people will spend the time to turn abstract Technique Z into a concrete weapon. That is, both a weakness and the popularity of MMA.

    Then again, I don't actually watch MMA or boxing matches. I neither knew who Rousey or Mayweather were. In that sense, it's similar to how Mayweather didn't know who Rousey was.

  7. Ymar Sakar3:15 PM

    Another important issue is that women's adrenaline systems are designed for long duration, low burst. Hour long birth labors vs carrying wounded comrades back in combat, for example.

    The injection system is pretty much the same, after a certain time period, but the time it takes them to initialize the cocktail is substantially longer. The human body doesn't necessarily reach 100% muscle contraction strength unless there's a life and death wall in front of their face. Athletes have on days and off days, mentally and physically. Their performance "varies" somehow, even for the same diet.

    If Rousey had given her body more time to adapt and cover up the damage, to the head for example, she might have been provided the bio chemical tools to perform better techniques and better charges (once the cocktail passes through the blood brain barrier into her brain stem and peripheral nerve system). If she could wait, but that's not what she thought would win, based on her experience. She's used to winning early, with overwhelming attack strength. Delays, might be interpreted by her as "defeat" or "fear".

    There are specific "triggers" to the bio chemical cocktail that the body releases, what people call endorphines and adrenaline (and a bunch of other stuff I'm sure people will discover in the future). And there's definitely "levels" to the exposure. Fear is the fastest and most immediate trigger. Anger, hate, rage, are slow burners. Pain is a faster trigger than anger. I suspect each individual and each sex, has their own particular differences. This is a field that is very difficult for the "scientific consensus" to research, because they don't know how to regularly initiate the conditions. They can pump artificial adrenaline in, yes, but the body can still tell the difference. It's also risky.
