Quelle Suprise

The fruits begin to come in.
[E]ven some secular French journalists have started writing about a phenomenon that’s become difficult to ignore: an increasingly self-confident Catholicism that combines what might be called a dynamic orthodoxy with a determination to shape French society in ways that contest the status quo—both inside and outside the Church.

On October 30, readers of France’s main center-right newspaper, Le Figaro, woke up to the headline “La révolution silencieuse des catholiques de France.” What followed was a description of how those whom Le Figaro calls France’s néocatholiques have come to the forefront of the nation’s political, cultural, and economic debates. Significantly, the new Catholics’ idea of dialogue isn’t about listening to secular intellectuals and responding by nodding sagely and not saying anything that might offend others. Instead, younger observant Catholics have moved beyond—way, way beyond—what was called the “Catholicism of openness” that dominated post-Vatican II French Catholic life. While the néocatholiques are happy to listen, they also want to debate and even critique reigning secular orthodoxies. For them, discussion isn’t a one-way street. This is a generation of French Catholics who are, as Le Figaro put it, “afraid of nothing.”
Secularism was just a phase.


  1. Ymar Sakar4:32 PM

    What the Ultras will do in Europe and the Balkans, will be a picnic compared to the American Civil War 2.

  2. Discussion isn't a one-way street? The nerve of those religious fanatics.

  3. Ymar Sakar5:01 PM

    It's also an example of how language can mitigate or even block the mind control of the Left. France's culture and language, separated them from various Leftist infiltration attempts, which succeeded against Latin American Catholics and English protestants.

    Just the fact that there's a cultural and language barrier, can often stop the Left from making the best use of their strategic manpower.

  4. Amen, néocatholiques. C'est bon.
