Jacksonians Forever

W. R. Mead is not pleased with the defiance of the old tradition.
To see the full cynicism of the Obama approach to the refugee issue, one has only to ask President Obama’s least favorite question: Why is there a Syrian refugee crisis in the first place?

Obama’s own policy decisions—allowing Assad to convert peaceful demonstrations into an increasingly ugly civil war, refusing to declare safe havens and no fly zones—were instrumental in creating the Syrian refugee crisis. This crisis is in large part the direct consequence of President Obama’s decision to stand aside and watch Syria burn. For him to try and use a derisory and symbolic program to allow 10,000 refugees into the United States in order to posture as more caring than those evil Jacksonian rednecks out in the benighted sticks is one of the most cynical, cold-blooded, and nastily divisive moves an American President has made in a long time.

Moreover, many of those “benighted” people were willing to sign up for the U.S. military and go to fight ISIS in Syria to protect the refugees....

The “why are Jacksonians such xenophobes?” conversation, given the way so much of the country’s media works, is the conversation we are having. It is not the conversation the country, or even the President, needs.... Things can and will get worse as long as American policy continues to flounder; instead of arguing about how to shelter a few thousand refugees we need to look hard at how we are failing to address the disaster that has created millions, and that continues to grow.
That's right, first to last.


  1. Exactly! Thanks for sharing this article.

  2. I luv WRMead. He is way ahead of the other pundits, and practical to boot.

  3. Ymar Sakar5:27 PM

    Mead doesn't want to address the issue of whether this policy failure he writes of, is intentional or not. Thus it takes Mead a long time to connect the dots.

  4. Ymar Sakar8:14 PM


    Former naval intel analyst, if I recall the person's background correctly.

    Steve's got a better grasp of the situation than most people, Mead included.

  5. Hah. According to every leftist I see comment on this, it's all Pres. Bush's fault. He's the one who destablized the region and is to blame for all the problems there.

    My general response is that the area has been unstable since the Ottoman Empire fell, and it's been 7 years the man's been in power, that excuse exceeded it's expiration date a while ago.
