It's Just A Banner Week for Missouri Education

Headline: "Missouri state senator aims to block student's dissertation on abortion."


  1. Sheesh, so what? Hasn't "research" and academia been coopted, as in for sale, to industry and various interest groups, for decades?

  2. If the research is bad, shouldn't her advisors and examiners be able to figure that out? Who cares who's paying for it? As Edith says, sheesh. Research should be refuted, not blocked.

  3. It's a terrible road to go down. We won't know whether it's useful as a "marketing" tool for Planned Parenthood until it is complete, so we can't evaluate the claim he's making. We can say that the law as he cites it would only allow scientific research on this question if its conclusions promised to support one political view.

  4. I don't have any answers but it is too late to close the barn doors by about 50 years. I am leery of bad precedents being established. For example, isn't the Left always incensed over ADM, Big Oil, and Big Pharma, funded research. What if they, the Left, had the power to derail research?

  5. Ymar Sakar7:50 AM

    First thing I would do is to investigate whether the politicians are under the control of Planned Profit, and then later on consciously decide what that means for top down suppression of university activities.
